Burned Over!

On July 16, 2021, Montana firefighter Dan Steffensen was burned over while trying to outrun a wall of fire. He suffered 3rd degree burns over 60% of his body. He should have died that night.

After waking from a coma at the Utah burn center, Dan prayed to God. And just possibly, God answered by sending him a thousand angels in rescue, medicine, honor guards, therapy, workman’s comp, friends, and family.

This is not just a fire story. It’s a human story about the town of Red Lodge, Montana, during what is still called the “Summer of Hell,” when Dan’s burnover was just one of many horrific tragedies. It is about firefighters and their families and how they responded when, as Dan says, “Shit happens fast.”

Though there may be challenging pieces in the pages, to quote Chief Tom Kuntz: “We sleep well at night because 1) Dan knew what he was doing and did the right thing in a bad situation that was not preventable; 2) our organization did an incredible job to support him and his family; 3) we are fortunate that Dan is such a tough guy.”

Firefighter Dan Steffensen and Author A.J. Otjen